The Australian Lace Guild (ALG) provides grants to groups and branches to assist in the promotion of lace and lacemaking throughout Australia, particularly for those members disadvantaged by distance and small group size. Grants are available for workshops and special projects (including library acquisitions).
Applications close on the 31st of March each year, and the Grant must be used within 12 months of being awarded. Applications will be assessed by the National Administrative Committee (NAC) at their May Meeting.
Groups disadvantaged by distance will be given special consideration. Preference is also given to groups that have never received a Grant or it has been quite some time since they received a Grant.
Grant recipients must submit a Grant Report to the NAC within one month of completion of the activity. This is the responsibility of the person who originally submitted the application. The Grant Report, or part thereof, with photographs may be published in the Australian Lace magazine.
All Grants are awarded at the discretion of the NAC.
The Grant application form has been revised, so please make sure you have the current version. The form can be downloaded 2025 Grant Application Form or obtained from the Grants Coordinator
For further grant information, please email the Grants Coordinator
Jennifer Fisher Scholarship
In 1994 Jennie Fisher made a generous donation to the ALG to be set up a scholarship fund, to be awarded once in a three year cycle. A commitment was made by the NAC that all donations would be matched by the Guild and that interest earned on the fund would be added to the principal. After a further donation from Jennie, the fund was considered healthy enough for a useful scholarship to be awarded for the first time in 2003.
The aim of this scholarship is to assist a lacemaker to conduct research or study or to undertake some other lace-related activity in a way that will ultimately benefit the wider lacemaking community. Suitable activities include (but are not limited to) travel, attending a lacemaking conference or course of study, or publication of a lacemaking book.
How to Enter
The next Jennifer Fisher Scholarship will be available in 2025, and if awarded will need to be used within two years of receiving it. To apply, please download the form here: Nimble Fingers entry form 2025
Past Winners
In 2009 the scholarship was won by Marie Laurie and Annette Meldrum, who travelled to Ireland to study the Borris lace collection. They subsequently published their book, The Borris Lace Collection.
In 2003 the scholarship went to Dr Barbara Ballantyne who used the award towards publication of her book on The Technique of Filet Crochet.