Proficiency in Lacemaking

The Australin Lace Guild offers a proficiency program to all members.  The assessments are available in many different types of lace, as you can see from the list below.

Most lace makers who submit a proficiency folder find it a good learning experience and then there is the satisfaction of receiving a certificate at the Annual General Meeting.

Each technique has three stages of achievement, up to the Teacher’s standard (Level 4).  The candidate chooses and works a number of completed pieces and samples to demonstrate that she knows all the technical requirements listed.  Then the folder is assessed by qualified teachers in a different state to the one where the candidate lives.The lacemaker can request a mentor if desired, to answer questions and give general information about the process.

The closing date for applications is 1st March. We look forward to hearing from you if you are interested in doing a proficiency.
A reminder that Portfolios are due with the Co-ordinator by 7th May in the year you wish to enter.

Please feel free to contact the Proficiency Co-Ordinator if you have any questions.

Apply using the Proficiency Application form 2023

Please read the Proficiency Guidelines.