Needle Lace 1
For those who do needle lace, please think about undertaking a Proficiency Assessment. It gives you a purpose, and will require you to try some new stitches and techniques that you may otherwise dodge. Don’t be put off by the list of requirements. Almost certainly you have pieces in your collection that include most of the stitches. Any other stitches could easily be worked into one or two of your smaller pieces. If you are thinking about working towards your Stage 1 Certificate, plan ahead before you work any more lace. Obtain the list of requirements and consult it as you decide what your are going to work. See what stitches are on the proficiency list and use these as fillings. You will soon find you have worked all these requirements while you have been enjoying just making and learning needle lace.
You do not have to work with very fine threads. Thicker threads, up to 80 crochet cotton, or slightly thicker, are acceptable, but make sure the finished piece is of a thread suitable for its ultimate use. Try to use a selection of various thicknesses of thread for differnt pieces, showing some work in finer thread if possible. If eyesight is a problem, note it down at the beginning of your workbook, so the examiners will understand why all of your threads are thick.
All listed stitches must be shown, either worked in a grid sampler with each stitch shown in a section, or work them into your finished pieces. A reasonable size is a 3x5cm retangle for each stitch type. You need to show that you understand the stitch and can work it both proficiently and consistently. Mark the name of the stitch either on the grid, or separately, so the examiners know you are working the correct stitch for each name.
No one expects Stage One lace to be perfect. Howevere, put down your thoughts. Where you were not very good, as well as noting the better sections. The Examiners like to see that you know where you need to do better. If you have any noticable errors, mark them down so he examiners know you are aware of them. Say what is wrong, and what should have been done, so how you would correct it in the future. Knowing your failings is a plus.
Try to keep your work clean and your notes tidy.
© Extracted from The Journal of the Australian Lace Guild ~ Spring 2015
Needle Lace 2
When you are ready to progress to Stage 2, the quality of your work should have improved markedly. Examiners will be expecting a much higher level of expertise. The evenness of your tension should be greatly improved, and the overall neatness, and degree of difficulty should also be higher. You should use similar or finer threads, but not thicker ones.
Padded rings are also known as couronnes. They can be worked either way – on a pad (the trace method) or on a ring stick. If you wish to embelish them, decide on your embellishmennts and note what type of embellishment you have selected.
Like Stage 1, write up your notes of your ease of working the required stitches, or of your difficulties. Point out any errors or problem areas, and how you solved the problem (or didn’t). Show a sample of each required stitch, either in the submitted pieces or in a grid sampler like in Stage 1.
The complexity of your work should have progressed markedly.
© Extracted from The Journal of the Australian Lace Guild ~ Summer 2015 – 2016
Needle Lace 3
The examiners will expect a higher degree of complexity in your work – even tension, advance design, with a variety of techniques, and samples in a variety of styles, such as Gros Point, Point de Gaze, etc.
Gros point needle lace is a lace with raised, and decorated cordonettes. It is supposed to look like carved ivory
Point de Gaze main feature is its delicate gauzy ground and tiny buttonholed rings, which were used for bud motifs and a variety of fillings.
© Extracted from The Journal of the Australian Lace Guild ~ Summer 2015 – 2016
In Conclusion
Do not get discouraged by any Stage, these notes are a guide and hopefully be a bit of help. They have been put together based on feedback that has been received from assessment teams.